Antisemitism, Then and Now: Is Hatred of Jews Eternal?

By The Temple Emanu-El Streicker Center: Spring 2022 (other events)

Thursday, May 26 2022 3:00 PM EDT

The excuses have morphed over the last five centuries:

Egyptians taught that Jews were innately evil. Spaniards attacked us for spreading the Black Plague. Russians accused us of draining the blood of Christian children for matzo, Germans insisted we promoted communism, socialists branded us bloodsucking capitalists and white nationalists warned that we were plotting to take over the world.

Now, David Duke preaches that we brainwashed Americans into electing Barack Obama. Louis Farrakhan calls us “Satan” and in recent polls, 35 percent of Europeans claim that supporters of Israel use accusations of antisemitism to shut down criticism of Israel.

With increased antisemitic attacks, speech and postings rising across the globe… has anything changed or are we stuck in the familiar pattern of “Everything Old is New Again?”

In recognition of Jewish American Heritage Month, the Temple Emanu-El Streicker Center invites you to a critical and timely discussion with: 

Simone Rodan-Benzaquen, Managing Director of the American Jewish Committee for Europe, overseeing offices in Berlin, Brussels, Paris, Prague, Rome, Sofia and Central Europe.

Abe Foxman, National Director Emeritus of the Anti-Defamation League and member of President Biden’s United States Holocaust Memorial Council

Jonathan Weisman, Senior Political Writer for The New York Times and author of (((Semitism))): Being Jewish in America in the Age of Trump

Moderated by journalist and author Abigail Pogrebin.


Links to join virtually will be sent the day prior and afternoon of the event.


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